Nel tardo Medioevo il Palazzo prese l’aspetto che più o meno mantiene ancora oggi. Ci sono tante tracce preziose di quel periodo sia architettoniche che “leggendarie”.

Curious to discover some of them? The breakfast room is housed in the stone apse of a Romanesque parish church and boasts, like all churches of the period, excellent acoustics!

Its origins are said to go as far back as the
Etruscans, an ancient and proud people who lived in this area in the 7th century BC. C., although its name - Il Palazzo - is due to the Romans, their conquerors. It was in fact a 'statio', or military station along the Via del Sale (also known as Via Arminensis or Via Livia), which connected Rimini to Rome.

Our Days

In the 1950s, four families lived on the farm and cultivated the surrounding land. Due to urbanisation at the time, our countryside was at risk of depopulation when the Banelli family decided to buy the property, including the estate!
In 1976, the restoration of the farm began with a twofold objective: on the one hand, to make it an oasis of peace, with all the comforts of proximity to the city and the poetry of the Tuscan countryside;

on the other, to recover and enhance the original architectural heritage.

Each of our flats, perfectly restored and equipped with every comfort, retains the charm and fascination of the old premises: the cellar, the stables, the barns and the large barns now have a new identity, transformed into rooms for maximum comfort during your stay.


La Qualità viene Premiata

La qualità viene premiata! Siamo orgogliosi di comunicare che i nostri vini sono stati riconosciuti con il premio “Mundus Vini Gold”, medaglia d’oro!